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Advokaterna Björnwid & Odebäck

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Advokat Ingrid Björnwid
Advokat Anna Odebäck

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OM Advokaterna Björnwid & Odebäck

Välkommen till Advokaterna Björnwid & Odebäck



Vi svarar i telefon helgfria dagar mellan kl 08,00-17,00.

Vi har stängt för lunch kl 12,00-13,00.

För det fall vi inte svarar, sitter vi upptagna i domstol, polisförhör eller möte.

Du kan alltid lämna meddelande via våra mejladresser: info@advokatabo.se  /  ingrid@advokatabo.se  / anna@advokatabo.se

Vi svarar alltid så fort vi får möjlighet.



Advokaterna Björnwid & Odebäck is a law firm with many years of experience in civil cases, criminal cases, family law and social law. We operate throughout southern Sweden with offices in Kristianstad, Stockholm, Älmhult and Hässleholm.

At Advokaterna Björnwid & Odebäck, the client is always in focus and we provide support throughout the entire process. Our watchwords are commitment, professionalism and personal treatment.

Different types of problems can arise at different stages of life.
You can turn to us for advice based on your particular situation. Regardless of whether your dispute leads to a trial, or can be resolved through negotiation with the other party, we support you throughout the process.

Welcome to contact us at Advokaterna Björnwid & Odebäck for an initial conversation about how we can help you.

Pillar – meaning:

  • Support {n}, rock, cornerstone (u), buttress (u)
  • Positive support [n] buttress (u), firm foundation, rock